Wednesday, August 27, 2008

thirty days of birthday

While I was quiet last week, my thirty days of birthday came to an end. What is that you ask? Thirty days of presents for one of each of my thirty years of being present on this earth. From my parents, the people who singlehandedly invented the term "birthday observed." Birthday observed is the day you celebrate the birthday if it falls on a day when we cannot all be together for festivities. Example, my birthdays in Philadelphia would sometimes be almost retreats where I would wander the city, eat my favorite treats, visit my fountain, etc. That would never do for the fam--it should be a lively affair with food, presents, and some sort of social gathering. Hence, the institution of birthday observed when I would be up in Rochester. I've introduced this concept to the boyfriend and he thinks it is a ploy for more attention to be lavished on the already confident and somewhat overly indulgent. Could be. Do you really want to debate more presents and cake though? I mean seriously.

This year's trip to London was my major birthday present, both from my parents and to myself. Actually, from RJR as well, our trip to Helmsley part of the two weeks of birthday. And there was the grand roof terrace event. Also the birthday tea at the Kensington Gardens Orangery. Well, my mom couldn't be satisfied with just those. Soon my mailbox has been overflowing with tiny gifts labeled for each day. I am receiving them at work so the joy has been multiplied. I wait to open the small packages until I'm particularly frustrated with my limited proficiency in Excel or some outlandish issue to open that day's gift--offering me a five minute respite from workland.

Well, the days have come to an end and now I have thirty lovely items to pack up and carry to my new home--wherever that ends up is some of what I received:

1) tea strainer for loose tea
2) English breakfast tea
3) lime tea
4) envelopes
5) colored paper for making cards
6) small colored envelopes to match cards
7) Pride and Prejudice
8) Emma
9) scented soap
10) dish towels
11) house cleaning items
12) ladle
13) serving spoon
14) thread
15) more thread
16) a tin for thread
17) grapefruit spoons
18) small bags for herbs...

and the rest is lovely too, only sitting at my desk I cannot recall numbers 19-30. Wow, losing memory at 30, grand!

Happy Wednesday.

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