Monday, August 18, 2008

quiet week... dwell.urban, but not in the rest of my life. I will be taking this week off from posting to make some time for other things...turns out my landlord is not just selling the building I live in, but it has gone into foreclosure. And, she and her husband have moved into the basement. Yes, the basement. It is a dirt floor, black mold growing, wall crumbling pit and they are living there with no plumbing or appliances. Rock bottom, I think that is what this is called. Any guesses as to where my security deposit is or any of the rent money I've been sending their way for months?

So, where does that leave me? Looking for a new apartment. Not even six months after moving into this one. Probably won't be around to see the rest of my vegetables harvested or to appreciate the work we put into getting that darn heater to finally produce heat this spring. I'm angry and frustrated and hurt and weary. Weary of moving from place to place, weary of packing and unpacking and trying to find a place where I fit.

It also means that I'm busy looking for a new home online and going to see apartments at night. I'll be spending every extra minute enjoying what of the porch life I can salvage from this summer before moving on, no guarantees to get that set up again.

See you on the 24th.


Patti said...

A heartfelt entry...our prayers are with you, as our hearts. May God grant you strength and encouragement along with a new home with some green space.

Anonymous said...

damn damn damn